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When the auto mode selector lever is rotated to [AUTO], you can rotate the rear command dial to choose from the subject types listed below.

The subject type can also be selected using the [SCENE POSITION] option the shooting menu.

The camera automatically optimizes settings to suit the scene.
Choose for portraits.
Processes portraits to give the subject a smooth, natural-looking complexion.
Choose for daylight shots of buildings and landscapes.
Choose when photographing moving subjects.
Choose for poorly lit twilight or night scenes.
Choose this mode for slow shutter speeds when shooting at night.
Slow shutter speeds are used to capture the expanding burst of light from a firework.
Choose this mode to record the vivid colors in sunrises and sunsets.
Choose for crisp, clear shots that capture the brightness of scenes dominated by shining white snow.
Choose for crisp, clear shots that capture the brightness of sunlit beaches.
Reduces the blue cast typically associated with underwater lighting.
Capture indoor background lighting under low-light conditions.
Effective for taking more vivid shots of flowers.
Take clear pictures of text or drawings in print.


The scene selected by the camera in [ADVANCED SR AUTO] mode is shown by an icon in the display.

  • : [AUTO]
  • : [NIGHT]
  • : [NIGHT (TRIPOD)]
  • : [MACRO]
  • : [BEACH]
  • : [SUNSET]
  • : [SNOW]
  • : [SKY]
  • : [GREENERY]
  • : [SKY & GREENERY]
  • : [PORTRAIT]

The mode selected may vary with shooting conditions. If the mode and subject do not match, select a scene manually.